About Business Networking International

Changing The Way The World Does Business!
Visit The Global WebsiteFind A Chapter

BNI’s Mission

The mission of BNI is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional referral marketing program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.

BNI’s Philosophy

The philosophy of this organisation is built upon the idea of “Givers Gain®”: By giving business to others, you will get business in return. This is predicated on the age-old idea of “What goes around, comes around.”

Who Is BNI?

BNI is 35-years-old globally and 25-years-old in the UK. With over 270,000 members in 9,400-plus chapters worldwide, BNI is the world’s leading referral organisation. 

Because every single company out there wants more referrals. BNI works by, what goes around comes around. If I help you, you’ll want to help me and we will both benefit as a result.

BNI allows only ONE person from each profession to join a chapter. This is a unique platform that integrates face to face networking with a global online social network.



BNI celebrated their 35th Anniversary on Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

Dr. Ivan Misner – Founder and Chief Visionary Officier of BNI

Our Core Values

BNI is built on a set of guiding principles which form the foundation on which members interact, conduct themselves and fulfil their goals. At BNI, we’re Changing the Way the World does Business®.

Givers Gain®

Building Relationships

Lifelong Learning


Traditions + Innovation


Positive Attitude

What Does BNI Do?

Through weekly meetings and exclusive resources, BNI helps you build a strong network that fuels professional growth.

Step One

Visit A Local BNI Chapter

The best way to find out more about how BNI works is to go to a local chapter meeting and see for yourself what it’s like.

Step Two

Join A BNI Chapter

After you’ve visited and decided that BNI is worth the investment, it’s time to make a commitment and join your local chapter.

Step Three

Develop Relationships

Referrals and business are great, but at BNI you’ll develop long-lasting relationships that are more than just a swapping of business cards.

Step Four

Give Referrals. Get Referrals

It’s simple, Givers Gain®. That’s all there is to it. Once you’ve joined, the giving and receiving begins and you’ll start to see your business grow.

BNI’s Numbers

With thousands of chapters worldwide, BNI provides a global business network that remains unmatched.


Global Members

Member Referrals Passed (the last 12 months)

Global Chapters

Member Closed Business (in $ last 12 months)

Statistic Last Updated June 2020